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            Welcome to our first Sustainability Report –
            there’s a lot to share regarding our progress toward sustainability. As
            an electric and water utility, our goal is to not only provide safe, reliable
            and affordable services to our customers, but to also make a positive
            impact on the environment and quality of life in our community. To
                                                                                                          Bill Johnson
            achieve this, we have developed a sustainability plan that focuses on                     General Manager
            three key areas: environmental, quality of life, and performance.


                            We recognize the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and
                            minimizing our impact on the environment. To accomplish this, we will:
                            •  Continue to evaluate clean energy sources, such as solar and wind power
                            •  Improve energy efficiency by upgrading equipment and infrastructure
                            •  Implement water conservation measures to reduce usage and waste
                            •  Increase recycling and waste reduction efforts
                            •  Implement green building practices for new construction and renovations

            QUALITY OF LIFE

            We understand that our services play a critical role in the daily lives of our
            customers. To improve quality of life for our customers, we will:
            •  Enhance customer service by providing timely and accurate information
            •   Improve reliability and reduce outages through infrastructure upgrades and maintenance
            •  Promote public health by ensuring safe and clean water
            •  Support community initiatives that improve quality of life for our customers


                            We are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet the needs
                            of our customers. To achieve this, we will:
                            •  Monitor and analyze performance data to identify areas for improvement
                            •  Develop and implement performance metrics to measure success
                            •  Continuously evaluate and improve our operations and services
                            •  Foster a culture of innovation and collaboration to drive continuous improvement

            Our sustainability plan is designed to ensure that we meet the needs of our
            customers, while also making a positive impact on the environment and quality
            of life in our community. By implementing these initiatives, we are confident
            that we can achieve our goals and create a more sustainable future for all.
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