Page 7 - 0110_BPU_Sustainability Report_Flip Book
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        BPU again met and surpassed all     BPU installed over 500 sacrificial   BPU inspected approximately
         standards for high-quality water.    anodes to minimize external       6,000 hydrants to ensure their
         The report ran over 41,000 tests     corrosion on existing water      ability to help fight fires, keeping
            on 8,700 water samples!          mains, thus extending their life       the community safe.
                                            and reducing water main breaks.


        BPU is committed to providing reliable electric service to its customers by combining a
        diverse portfolio of power resources with a modern and well-maintained distribution network.
        Electric reliability is measured by recording how many times service is interrupted
        (frequency), how long the average customer is interrupted (duration), and how long it takes
        to restore service once a customer is interrupted (restoration time). These three measures
        of reliability are standardized and recognized by the electric industry as best practices for
        comparing reliability performance among utilities.


             Frequency of            Average Duration               Average
        interruptions per year¹       of interruptions²        Restoration Time  3
               1.69                  ~2.5 hours                ~1.5 hours

        *Major Events Excluded
        ¹SAIFI = System Average Interruption Frequency Index. It is the number of electric interruptions, per year, the average customer experienced.
        ²SAIDI = System Average Interruption Duration Index. It is the minutes of electric interruptions, per year, the average customer experienced.
        ³CAIDI = Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. It is the average number of minutes it takes to restore non-momentary electric interruptions.
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