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           BPU Customer Service
             answered more than
            100,000 calls in 2022;   540 Minnesota Avenue
        more than 8,000 of those     Kansas City, KS 66101
            calls were in Spanish.

        Safety and

        BPU implemented a program
        that notifies all employees
        of any injury that has
        occurred at the utility.
          100% of employees
        completed two or
        more hours of safety

        QUICK                       BPU’s website received national recognition for its design, content, and ease-of-use, offering
                 FACT               accessibility to key utility information. BPU was recognized for “Best Website” in the utility
                                    category, and won a “Gold Stevie” Award from the 21st Annual American Business Awards.


                                        Deliver safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable utilities to our customers.

                                       FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY

                                       BPU was assigned a profile/rating of “A” and “Stable Outlook” by national rating
                                       service companies Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings.

                                                     BPU was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in
                                                     Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association
                                                     of the United States and Canada for its annual comprehensive
                                                     financial report. BPU has received this recognition 41 years in a row!

                                       The BPU Board of Directors adopted a new policy implementing an Enterprise Risk
                                       Management program to manage major risks across the utility.
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