Page 5 - 0110_BPU_Sustainability Report_Flip Book
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                                                                                            In the last 10 years,
                                                                                            BPU reduced
                                                                                            miles driven by
                                                           BPU saved                   approximately 25%.
                                                           approximately               BPU also reduced
                                                           $197,000 and                fuel consumption by
                         BPU recycled                reduced its carbon impact         approximately 22%,
                         189,112 lbs of solid        by 6.4 tons by switching to       reducing BPU’s carbon
                         waste in 2022.              LED traffic signals.              impact by 511 tons.


            BPU introduced a system that prevents unnecessary water loss by alerting customers of abnormal
            prolonged water usage. In 2022, BPU made 1,156 calls to customers for abnormal prolonged water use,
            saving those customers money and conserving water.
            BPU is currently implementing upgrades to this system by lowering the alert threshold and adding automatic
            text alerts (instead of calls). These changes will allow BPU to alert more customers, more efficiently!


            In the fall of 2019, the Nearman Creek Power
            Station completed installation of four new
            modified traveling screens and a fish return
            system at the cooling water intake in order to
            meet compliance with the Clean Water Act.*

            To demonstrate compliance and
            performance, BPU conducted a 2-year study
            to determine the optimal operations of the
            fish screens and the fish handling and returns
            systems. In 2022, BPU Nearman Creek Power
            Station completed that study and was the first
            utility in the region to receive approval.
            * Section 316(b)
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