Page 6 - 0110_BPU_Sustainability Report_Flip Book
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Quality of Life

                                       Continue to meet the daily needs of our customers through reliable service.

                                       INTEGRATING CUSTOMER


                                       BPU undertakes a comprehensive biennial customer satisfaction survey to
                                       identify areas for expanded or improved service across the entire utility. The
                                       survey asks about customer service practices, billing processes, product offerings,
                                       environmental initiatives, community involvement efforts, etc. Once finalized, the
                                       results of the survey are utilized to help BPU further improve the utility’s overall
                                       customer experience, identify areas for improvement, expansion, and elimination,
                                       and to better serve the needs of its customers and Wyandotte County as a whole.

               UTILITY ASSISTANCE                                                 UTILITY ASSISTANCE

               Since 2009, by partnering with the United Way of Greater
               Kansas City, BPU has provided more than $1.5 million in
               utility assistance to qualifying Wyandotte County Residents             $99,335.64 spent
               through the Utility Assistance Program and the Hardship             328 households helped
               Assistance Program.

               In 2022, the programs provided more than $185,000 in
               utility assistance to qualifying Wyandotte County Residents.        HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE
               In December of 2022, the BPU Board provided an additional
               one-time $250,000 of utility assistance.
                                                                                       $87,802.52 spent
                                                                                   255 households helped

               QUICK FACTS

                $    Through supplier partners, employees and            BPU spent approximately $22 million across 300
                                                                         purchase orders with local Wyandotte County,
                     services, BPU had an economic impact close to
                     half a billion dollars in Wyandotte County.         minority-owned, women-owned, small businesses,
                                                                         and veteran-owned businesses in 2022.
                     BPU provided free utility service to community      BPU hosted an event that detailed procurement
                     vaccination centers.                                opportunities for local vendors and contractors.

                     BPU Employees Charity Golf Corporation made         Through a partnership with Kansas One-Call
                     donations totaling $49,000 to the Learning Club     System, Inc., BPU helps customers dig safely by
                     KCK, KC Healthy Kids, Grant Elementary, KCK Lady    sending out “locators” to dig sites and marking
                     Spartans and the BPU Employee Foundation.           the approximate locations of buried water or
                                                                         electric lines. In 2022, BPU serviced over 15,000
                                                                         Kansas One-Call requests.
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